How Do You Get Dna From an Unborn Baby

By Dr. Ariyana Dear


People nationwide are being coerced and forced to suffocate themselves and their children in mandated masks. They're being forced to have Covid-19 "tests" in society to fly and experimental mRNA and Adenovirus injections which are being falsely labeled as vaccines.

The Covid "vaccines" are not vaccines at all simply a grade of factor therapy with a Nanotech delivery organization which in other words is genetic applied science. Nobody is allowed to administrate experimental drugs into your body without your Informed Consent.

According to an internal study past Health Homo Services and Harvard, less than i% of vaccine side effects are reported to government vaccine injury reporting systems. This means the actual Deaths in Europe from the experimental Covid injections are about 99% college than what's beingness reported. Information technology ways the bodily Deaths are closer to 453,024. That should drop your jaw.

Where is the surveillance and oversight of these experimental gene-editing technologies that are being injected into your bodies and your children'due south bodies? Shouldn't they be monitored and shouldn't the bodily Deaths and Adverse Reactions exist reported? Evidently, large pharma and corporate mainstream media is hiding something from u.s.a..

A Liberty of Information (F.O.I) request published to The Daily Betrayal in March, showed 2,207 Deaths within 28 days of having the experimental Covid injections during the month of February, in Scotland. This means the actual unreported Deaths are most 218,493 in Scotland alone.

People are being widely deceived and bribed to acquiesce to their own Deaths.

Masks and Covid "tests" too incorporate Bioweapons. In March of 2020, Coronavirus "exam kits" heading to the UK were found contaminated with Coronavirus. The CDC'southward Covid "examination kits" sent out across the Usa in February 2020, were also caught contaminated with Coronavirus later on President Trump initiated a federal investigation.

Egyptian slave punishment


An Austrian courtroom just ruled the PCR examination non suitable for determining infectivity and "rejects the entire Corona policy in Austria, which is based on this very examination."

There are many suppressed reports of cognitive harm, sickness, and sudden deaths afterwards the nasopharyngeal swab, otherwise known as the PCR (polymerase chain reaction). Afterward being "Covid tested" these symptoms are reported; headaches, nausea, vomiting, and clear watery drainage from the side of the nose, as well known every bit a Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak. Cerebrospinal Fluid Leaks results from head trauma or injury to the spine.

Hochkrebseregendes Ethylenoxid an PCR Teststäbchen

The Nasopharyngeal swab sample is being taken from an extremely delicate expanse right at the blood/brain barrier. This medical procedure is a violent and invasive exploitation of your basic rights to choose what'due south delivered into your torso.


Hydrogels infused with nanoparticles are being used in a number of biological applications: tissue applied science, chemical, and biological sensing, and drug and gene delivery. Unfortunately, these nanobots are not beingness used to heal the states every bit they could be. Instead, they've been programmed for destruction.

Black worms or parasite-looking Nanotubes have been constitute in masks and Covid "tests" around the world, embedded in the tiny fibers. They cannot be seen by the naked centre merely when held under a microscope they are visible. Nanotubes are motionless until activated by rut and moisture and then they wiggle just like a parasite.

Run into more than video's here .

The discovery of Hydrogel Nanotechnology in masks and Covid "tests" can mean only one thing. What nosotros are seeing in the video above are Carbon Nanotubes for vaccine delivery. Carbon Nanotubes were designed as an antigen commitment system in vitro and in vivo.

Covid vaccines, masks, and tests are not beingness administered for your protection. These are experimental medical devices programmed to penetrate your cells and deliver a mortiferous payload, directly into your cells for genetic engineering science.

A groundbreaking new study revealed that experimental Nanotech medical devices are already being used in 43 leading vaccines. Nanotech has long been fed to united states of america in our foods. Information technology's labeled as a "vitamin and mineral supplement" and is disguised in other ways, despite that it'south known to cause leaky gut syndrome and autoimmune illness.

Carbon nanotubes

In Apr, Health Canada warned of "microscopic graphene particles" used in masks which cause "early on pulmonary toxicity". In other words, they're causing severe lung damage.

Graphene-based materials kill bacteria and that's the selling indicate but when used in face masks it's "comparable to breathing in asbestos all day long", says Wellness Canada.

Graphene was designed as a drug and vaccine carrier. Graphene is used for Deoxyribonucleic acid sequencing and manipulation. So why are graphene nanotubes too being found in nappies (diapers) and woman'due south sanitary pads, according to reports?

Post-obit ingestion and inhalation, Graphene carrying nanobots easily cross the blood-brain barrier. They're proven to exist toxic to human tissue and cell cultures, resulting in oxidative stress, inflammatory cytokine production, and DNA mutation. They are also being programmed to cause prison cell death.

Nano-Silver is beingness marketed in masks as a positive thing because it's a strong antimicrobial, which means it kills leaner and fungi. Companies capitalizing on face masks are making unsubstantiated public health claims, all the same, saying their masks provide "protection against COVID-19". In authenticity, these products are infecting you with programmed Nanobots and experimental drugs. Nano masks are also beingness marketed to kids for stealth delivery.

Nano masks for kids

Neither the EPA nor the FDA has approved nano-silver for use in face coverings or masks and the EPA already qualifies nano-silver as a pesticide. In addition, nano-silver in confront masks is an environmental biohazard. Billions of masks accept been discarded into the environment already.

Nano-silver is infused into Nanotubes which are semiconductors for ballistic ship of a drug payload. The graphene Nanotubes are 3D polymeric networks of nanocomposite hydrogel. Hydrogels are a "controlled drug delivery organisation" with a number of biological applications having to do with Bioengineering, including tissue engineering, chemical, and biological sensing, and drug and gene delivery.

Originally, Nanotube engineering science was developed equally "DNA altering" factor therapy to be used to treat cancer. Now Nanotubes are being used in an assortment of products, including masks and Covid "tests" without Informed Consent. Hither are some videos about Nanotubes for additional study.

Nanotubes are activated and mobilized past thermal oestrus. Having a polymer shell structure, the graphene hydrogel nanotubes were designed with the purpose of carrying the Nano-Silver with a drug payload for vaccine commitment. Nanotubes were also developed for vaccine delivery in Europe.

The elastomeric nature of this material allows the Hydrogels and Nanotubes to obtain various shapes and sizes and to shrink and expand.

Carbon nanotubes – Link here

"The presence of silver ions stop the respiratory enzyme from transferring electrons to oxygen molecules during respiration". In other words, the presence of Carbon Nanotubes and nano-silver in masks means there is a drug payload that is severing your cells' ability to receive oxygen. At the same time, the Nano-Silver nanobots are also programmed to laissez passer through the prison cell membrane of lung cells, destroying them. The Nano-Silver in Covid "tests" targets brain cells and potentially other parts of the trunk.

Carbon nanotubes in fibrous looking hydrogel (masks)

The boasted "antibacterial applications" of Nano-Silver for masks are conspicuously a cover when coupled with statements like "silvery nanoparticles need to be small enough to laissez passer through the cell membrane". If Nano-Silver were actually being used for antibacterial applications so why do they need to pass through the cell membranes of mask wearers?

Nanotubes are activated past heat and by apparent wet. They are semiconductors and then they can be programmed to activate by energy frequency. Our bodies are literally batteries and our exhale is filled with wet.

Nanotube size

The Nano-Argent nanobots are programmed to disconnect from the Nanotube and reassemble in your torso to target locations similar the brain, gut, or lung cells. In laboratories, Hydrogels are created in various shapes and sizes. They tin can swell and shrink and are activated using lasers.

There was recently a toxic mask recall in Quebec considering of lung damage in children due to mask-wearing in daycares.

Meanwhile, a mysterious new "brain illness" has appeared in Canada which causes spasms, memory loss, and hallucinations and has doctors baffled.

People are beginning to catch on that Nano-masks and Covid "tests" are delivering shots of nanobots to the brain.

Various masks for comparing

Well-nigh RNA vaccines are nasally administered. In fact, Republic of finland is currently developing its own experimental Adenovirus "nasal vaccine". Given that this is a transfection of strange RNA into homo cells, information technology too constitutes an illegal medical experiment.

The Health Ranger from Natural News talks about Lipid Nanoparticles in the mRNA "vaccines" which is causing massive inflammation due to the adjuvants. These nano-sized robots are programmed to destroy your innate immune system.

One-time FEMA employee turned whistleblower Celeste Solum, has revealed something new and shocking from US Government documents. The Covid "tests" insert a magnetic beacon which allows for tracking.

The Covid "test kit" patent is endemic and operated by Richard A. Rothschild, which is patent #US2020279585(A1).

Celeste Solum: COVID "Examination" Inserts Microchip


Neb Evanina stepped downward equally a top counterintelligence official in the U.S. Government in January 2021, to authorize a rare and urgent public alert:

"Foreign powers tin collect, store and exploit biometric data from covid tests."

At that place is prove that the nasopharyngeal swab for the Covid "exam" is existence used to harvest Dna by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Beak Gates. hour did an exposé on the BGI Group'south utilise of Covid "tests" to collect, store and exploit the biometric information of American citizens. The Obama Administration opened the door for the CCP and allowed BGI Group a foothold in the U.Southward.

What do they want our Dna for?


Aside from Nanotech medical devices and forced genetic engineering, scientists take found evidence of a chemical cocktail in confront masks of the most heavily restricted poisons regulated by government in Europe and the USA. Experts say masks are comparable to animate chancy waste matter.

Quite honestly, I retrieve mainstream media is focusing on mask toxicity in order to divert our attention abroad from Nanotech Bio-technology.

Masks Breathing In Toxic Waste product

Outlined in this article are xx reasons mandatory face up masks are unsafe, ineffective, and immoral.


About masks and face coverings (including fabric) are fabricated with toxic and carcinogenic chemicals including burn retardant, fibreglass, lead, NFE, phthalates, ethylene oxide, polyfluorinated chemicals and formaldehyde.

Nosotros are being told that the Covid "test" and masks are for our prophylactic simply masks and Covid "tests" are sprayed with ethylene oxide . We are told this is to "sterilize" the product but it also sterilizes the user.

The EPA classifies ethylene oxide as an "extremely chancy" toxic chemical. The Washington State Section of Labor & Industries issued an urgent medical warning in April 2020, stating:

"this extremely hazardous toxic chemical poses a severe take chances to human health."

Ethylene oxide has never been approved by the US Government's OSHA for utilize on personal protective equipment. And then why is it being used on face masks and inserted to people'south blood/brain bulwark?

According to the EPA and the CDC, ethylene oxide is a carcinogen and the most cancerous-causing substance known to man! It "has been linked to neurologic dysfunction and may crusade other harmful furnishings" to the eyes, lungs, brain, and nervous system.

Ethylene oxide is a flammable gas that dissolves easily in water thus roofing your oral cavity with it is not smart. In fact, evidence reveals that using ethylene oxide on masks results in off-gassing in the wearer's breathing zone. Prolonged exposure causes neurologic dysfunction and nervous system depression.

Even more horrifying is that ethylene oxide is mutagenic in humans which means information technology has the power to permanently change your genes and damage your Deoxyribonucleic acid . It's also teragenetic which means information technology causes birth defects in your babies. Oh and it's a primal ingredient in anti-freeze.

I have to wonder if the off-gasing of mask wearers will endanger non-mask wearers?


A recent enquiry written report showed that nonreusable masks contain a powerful plastic chemic chosen Phthalate. Information technology softens plastic products and triggers farthermost reproductive damages in men while also damaging DNA. Overexposure to Phthalates decreases fertility and causes penises to compress. It also induces male person gametes mutations leading to increased pre-and postnatal mortality of offspring. That just can't be good.


Deborah Tavares on Israeli News Live reveals from leaked United states of america Government documents that the Covid "vaccines" cause Prion Disease. That's an irreversible machine-immune disease.


Masks and Covid "tests" are instruments of war. They are part of a deadly medical experiment for genetic technology and depopulation. These are not masks, vaccines, or tests at all. They are experimental medical devices ridden with deadly poisons which sterilize permanently and irreversibly change Dna. Masks and Covid tests also incorporate the experimental Covid gene-editing Bioweapons with a poisonous payload inside a nanotech delivery arrangement. These are weapons of state of war being used to enslave and reduce the population in a deadly medical experiment which is in contravention of Nuremberg Codes and violates Informed Consent laws.

Quit damaging your blood/brain bulwark with fake tests. Quit giving them your DNA. Quit wearing masks. Don't put them on your kids. Utilize cloth diapers and organic sanitary pads. Be smart. Whatever you do, don't take the Covid injections because that means game over. They are an irreversible one-shot kill, shot. The Nanotech Bioweapons "vaccines" ways guaranteed Death. It might not kill you correct away but the destruction to your cells and immune system will be ongoing until Death. That's what autoimmune affliction is.

WATCH: Dr Naomi Wolf Discuss "Why Vaccine Passports Mean Slavery Forever"

Here are ways of detoxifying your trunk from Nanoparticles. Please watch the beneath video and study the material and links within this commodity. Be informed.

What'due south beingness done to united states of america is confronting free will, inalienable rights, and Nuremberg Codes. The Nuremberg Two, led by Reimer Fuellmich, has been prepared.

WATCH: 10 Stages of Genocide


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